SILKAR - Marble, Mosaic and Laminated Natural Stone | Mimicing the Ocean’s Surface


Mimicing the Ocean’s Surface

Mimicing the Ocean’s Surface

Mathieu Lehanneur created a collection called ‘‘Ocean Memories’’ for an exhibition at the Carpenters Workshop Gallery in Paris. Chipped blocks of marble and bronze that mimic the ocean’s surface create tables, benches and stools.

To translate ocean currents into digital forms, 3d special effects softwares are used. Afterwards, blocks of natural Stones are machine-cut to replicate the digitally created forms. A liquid like finish on top and hand polishing is applied in order to have a glossy finish.


To create tables and stools, Lehanneur has used White and grey marble as well as polished bronze to have a monolithic palette.


"Ocean Memories evokes a surrealistic and materialised vision of an ocean frozen in its movement," says Lehanneur in his statement,  "These remarkable pieces capture the complex movements of waves and water currents becoming three-dimensional still pictures of Nature’s fifth element."


The artist wants to question the fact that the transition from solid to liquid can only be seen through physics.
